Leadership Tips

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Learning Tips

Top 5 Ways Digital Learning Helps Bolster Collaborative Education

Digital learning has changed the education landscape in many ways. Several high-tech ideas are present today to enhance the traditional ...

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Differences Between British and American English

The English-speaking countries of the world may on the face of it seem to share a common language. However, just ...

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Top Tips for Studying

Finding the best way to study can be hard. There are so many options and everyone has their own opinion. ...

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Common mathematical symbols and terms: Mathematical glossary

Mathematical symbols and terminology can be confusing and can be an obstacle to learning and understanding basic mathematics. This page ...

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Personal Tips

Working from Home

Many more companies are now recognising that people value the flexibility of home-working, and that it can often make them more productive and happier. Others are simply reducing their office space and encouraging home-working as a result.

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Pricing guide for design freelancers

Overprice your work, and you will price yourself out of the market. Undercharge, and you will not be able to afford to live, never mind carry on freelancing.

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Marketing for Freelancers and the Self-Employed

Good marketing brings the right prospective customers to you, and enables you to meet their needs when they arrive.

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How Should Freelancers Invoices?

For many, chasing up unpaid bills is so challenging that they might even just let a bill go unpaid rather than risk upsetting a client or getting into a confrontation.

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