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Leadership Tips

How to Avoid Common Financial Mistakes in Your Company Business?

Banks and financial advisers alike are clear that there are a number of common financial mistakes made by new and fledgling businesses, such as failing to take sufficient account of the need to get your cash-flow right.

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Creating a Motivational Environment

Encourage your departments or teams

Maslow describes the motivational factors for humans and, notwithstanding that his work comes in for a good deal of criticism from some quarters, there is a strong degree of attractive logic to his theory.  Unfortunately, it doesn’t really help leaders to motivate people at work on a day to day basis.

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Portfolio Working


What, though, does the phrase mean in practice, and what skills do you need to pursue a portfolio career?

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Creating a Compelling Vision

This is particularly important in driving change.

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Vital Skills that Every CEO Should Have

Individuals might sometimes be born with these skills, and be termed as natural leaders that motivate others and lead a team towards success. However, others might be required to develop these skills over a period of time.

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Contingency and Disaster Planning for Freelancers

When you are self-employed, however, you are your own IT helpdesk, your own HR department, and your own CEO. It is up to you to manage any problems. This therefore means that it is a very good idea to plan ahead and do a bit of risk assessment and management to avoid future problems.

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Discipline and Managing Poor Performance

This page explains how to manage poor performance.

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What is an Entrepreneur?

Many of these search results concentrate on the stereotypical entrepreneur; the person who, five years ago, could have appeared on Dragons’ Den (also known as Lions’ Arena and Shark Tank) as an aspiring “contestant” and who now qualifies to be the next multi-millionaire in the row of big leather chairs saying “I’m in!”

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Implementing Change – Making Change Happen

With some understanding of useful models of change, and some good analytical tools and techniques, together with strong people skills, you should be well on the way to steering a change process to a successful conclusion.

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Facilitation Skills

Most facilitators will tell you that, in fact, their skills range much more widely and are generally about supporting processes, which may include team building, project management and change management.

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Avoiding Common Managerial Mistakes

What is often overlooked, however, is that you also have to avoid a number of common management pitfalls.

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7 Ways to Convince Your Employees to Embrace Change

Now that you’re ready to take the plunge, it’s time to break the news to your employees.

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Career Management Skills

Now, however, working life is much more flexible and few expect to have a ‘job for life’. At the same time, recognition has grown that individuals have to do far more to manage their own working life, and their career.

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Change Management

Since most organisations and a good many people’s lives are in a constant state of flux, you could argue that most of us are managing change on a daily basis, but how we do it, and how well we do it, varies considerably.

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Dilts’ Logical Levels

Whether on a personal or organisational level, it’s all to do with the logical level on which you’re trying to make the change.

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5 Hurdles Women Leaders Face in Organizations

It isn’t news that there is a significant gender gap in leadership, but the reasons for this gap is more ...

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Tips For A Good Project Defense: Conveying A Good Presentation

In the scholastic world, it is a routine that having studied for a while, students are asked to do project ...

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