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Writing Tips

How to Write a Covering Letter

Your CV or résumé is ready to go. Now all you have to do is write that most essential part ...

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Differences Between British and American English

The English-speaking countries of the world may on the face of it seem to share a common language. However, just ...

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How to Writing a Business Case?

A business case is intended to convince key decision-makers of the merits of a particular course of action. It is ...

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How to write a CV or Resume

In simple terms, your CV or resume sets out your skills and experience. Your CV should demonstrate to any potential ...

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Simple Guidelines on How to Write an Evaluation Essay

Writing an evaluation essay can seem like a daunting task if you’ve come across this type of work for the ...

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Writing Thesis Tips – 4 Tips Which Will Ensure You a great Thesis

Masters projects are enormous undertakings, and the writing of a thesis can take many months. Getting your thesis written well ...

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Composing an Education – Tips and Tricks

When it comes to writing an education essay, it’s not uncommon to have a fantastic deal of ideas. But sometimes ...

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