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How to Get Over Someone

The end of a relationship is never easy. Breakups are filled with raw emotions, including everything from hurt and betrayal to anger and sadness. But, just because heartbreak may feel like the end of the world, the reality is that the pain and anguish you feel right now is only temporary. Eventually, you'll be able to move on—and one day you'll find love again.

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Gathering Information for Competitive Intelligence

Competitive Intelligence

Understanding the market, including both your customers and your competitors, is vital to success in business, and feeds into a wide range of strategic analysis tools, including Porter’s Five Forces and PESTLE analysis.

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Marketing for Freelancers and the Self-Employed

Good marketing brings the right prospective customers to you, and enables you to meet their needs when they arrive.

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Creating a Compelling Vision

This is particularly important in driving change.

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Mediators Need Skills

Mediation is the involvement of an impartial third party to support and help those involved in a conflict to find ...

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How to Write a Covering Letter

Your CV or résumé is ready to go. Now all you have to do is write that most essential part ...

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Differences Between British and American English

The English-speaking countries of the world may on the face of it seem to share a common language. However, just ...

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Vital Skills that Every CEO Should Have

Individuals might sometimes be born with these skills, and be termed as natural leaders that motivate others and lead a team towards success. However, others might be required to develop these skills over a period of time.

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How Should Freelancers Invoices?

For many, chasing up unpaid bills is so challenging that they might even just let a bill go unpaid rather than risk upsetting a client or getting into a confrontation.

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Contingency and Disaster Planning for Freelancers

When you are self-employed, however, you are your own IT helpdesk, your own HR department, and your own CEO. It is up to you to manage any problems. This therefore means that it is a very good idea to plan ahead and do a bit of risk assessment and management to avoid future problems.

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Understanding Change

Follow the evolution of change management theories, from the engineering perspective of the early years of the twentieth century, through biological and interpretative views in the 1950s and 1980s, to complexity theory in the 1990s.

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Discipline and Managing Poor Performance

This page explains how to manage poor performance.

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What is an Entrepreneur?

Many of these search results concentrate on the stereotypical entrepreneur; the person who, five years ago, could have appeared on Dragons’ Den (also known as Lions’ Arena and Shark Tank) as an aspiring “contestant” and who now qualifies to be the next multi-millionaire in the row of big leather chairs saying “I’m in!”

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Effective Networking: Freelancers and Homeworkers

As a freelancer, your network is perhaps your most important tool for obtaining work because it allows you to create and validate a reputation.

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Pricing guide for design freelancers

Overprice your work, and you will price yourself out of the market. Undercharge, and you will not be able to afford to live, never mind carry on freelancing.

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Communicating Vision for Change

Creating the vision is only half the battle. Leaders also need to communicate their vision, and ‘ sell’ it to others. John Kotter, the change guru, found that not having a compelling vision was one reason why change programmes fail. He also, however, found that under-communicating the vision was another.

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Implementing Change – Making Change Happen

With some understanding of useful models of change, and some good analytical tools and techniques, together with strong people skills, you should be well on the way to steering a change process to a successful conclusion.

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Facilitation Skills

Most facilitators will tell you that, in fact, their skills range much more widely and are generally about supporting processes, which may include team building, project management and change management.

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Top Tips for Studying

Finding the best way to study can be hard. There are so many options and everyone has their own opinion. ...

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Avoiding Common Managerial Mistakes

What is often overlooked, however, is that you also have to avoid a number of common management pitfalls.

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